Women In Business, come for Empowerment, Recognition & Inspiration

Guest post by:
Nyda Bittmann-Neville
Board Chair, Haywood Chamber of Commerce
CEO and founder of TNB Consulting Group, Inc.

Come and share your ideas for 2017 luncheons at an open meeting November 3rd at 4pm at the Chamber of Commerce.

The last luncheon of 2016 with a theme of Mind, Body and Spirit will be held on November 17th from 11:30am to 1pm at Laurel Ridge Country Club and Event Center. Our speaker will be Ms. Selena Einwechter, owner and proprietor of the Bed and Breakfast at Tiffany Hill, Mills River, NC. After thirty years in corporate America, she decided to take a leap of faith and pursue her dream: building her own bed and breakfast. Come and listen to how her dream became a reality.

Haywood County is home to a growing number of vibrant and diverse women in all levels of business – from entrepreneurs to executive leadership positions. Women-owned businesses are also on the rise, both nationally and in North Carolina. This trend is being hailed as a “global force for innovation, growth and prosperity” according to the Harvard Business Review.

The Women in Business Committee’s mission is to prepare them for professional leadership in our community and provide mentoring and support at all levels of business. Quarterly luncheons are held to bring professional women together for networking and business education through sharing of knowledge and experiences. Collaboration, partnerships, mentoring and advocating for one another will inspire women to reach their professional and personal goals.

In 2012 the Women in Business leaders partnered with the Young Professionals to launch a mentoring program called Partners in Leadership. The mentoring program designed to prepare Haywood County young female professionals to become future business leaders by connecting them with seasoned “Women in Business” professionals.

Through a formal mentor-mentee relationship, Leadership Coaches (WIB) guide Young Professional Women through the process of developing professional/career goals, and helping them gain the skills necessary to achieve them.

Again, join us on November 3rd at 4pm at the Chamber of Commerce to share your ideas for the 2017 season of luncheons and November 17th from 11:30am to 1pm at Laurel Ridge Country Club and Event Center.

To RSVP for the November 3rd  open meeting, contact Craig Day at 828.456.3021 or

To register for the November 17th Women in Business luncheon, click here, or contact Craig Day at 828.456.3021
