For businesses that thrive on water, Haywood County has an abundance of clean, quality water. Haywood is a headwaters county creating a dynamic ecosystem in our community.
Because the county line follows the mountain ridges, all the water in the county originates from springs or as rainfall. No rivers or streams flow into the county creating a unique opportunity for citizens and businesses to reap the benefits of the highest water quality.
Located in the Western North Carolina Mountains Haywood County is home to a diverse mix of businesses from manufacturing to microbreweries who benefit from our abundant, clean water supply. Our central location to the intersection of I-40 and I-26, workforce, federal and statewide agriculture resources provide businesses with the accessibility and support they need.
In existence, for almost sixty years the Haywood County Soil and Water Conservation District cares about protecting soil and water. Available resources from both state and federal levels are available for those who need information and assistance.
- NC Agriculture Share Program
- EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentive Program)
- Farmland Preservation
- FIP (Forestry Incentive Program
- CPP (The Conservation Reserve Program)
www.bestplaces.net ranked Haywood County 84 on a scale of 100 for healthy and clean water as reported by the EPA