Enjoy winter hiking at Cataloochee Ranch

Guest post by:
Mary Coker
Catalochee Ranch

Cooler temperatures are heading our way making those of us on the mountain happy. Not only does this mean the return of the familiar sound of snowmaking but the cold nights bring forth some spectacularly clear days. On your next visit with us here at Cataloochee Ranch, take time to enjoy a winter hike.

First hike…the “leg stretching” purple trail

Although this trail is short, only 1 mile, you will find that it takes your breath away. Both by the nearly 5000 foot elevation as well as the beautiful views  along the Plott Balsam mountain range.


Before leaving be sure to let the front office know where you are going and put out phone number (828-926-1401) in your phone. Also be sure to dress in layers as you may need to shed a layer while hiking.

Your path begins at the main ranch house up a gentle road with huge rhododendrons flanking the path. Shortly the road opens up into “the bowl” (as we call it) where you will see the frame of our fish camp. Here we hold bi-monthly fish fries where the fish is cooked over a wood stove and is accompanied by succulent dishes such as corn pudding, onion casserole or cheesy scalloped potatoes. For those of you that are not fish fans, beef stew or chicken and dumpling’s are also offered. Check out this write-up on our  Way Back When trout dinners from Blue Ridge Mountain Life.

catranch3As you exit the fish camp you follow an old logging road through the bowl. This road leads you through an old rhododendron tunnel. This always draws people s breath away because of the vast reach of the rhododendron branches. Exit the tunnel on the far side to take a right hand turn up the hill. Can you find the swing? This is a left over from a Billy Graham special that was filmed here with the video “Mercy Tree”. Take a moment to take in the beautiful of the bowl and of the mountains. In the distance you will see the meadow that the horses roam during the summer. You will be brought back through the wide open fields. Notice that rock at top? That is call Rhodevous Rock, a favorite of many for it’s “top or the world” feeling (and a bit of climbing adventure). Whether you take the trail back or climb up to Rhondevous Rock you’ll find that the view will make you stop, if just to catch your breath.

As you come to the gate, there is a “go easy” for easy pass through you will find yourself in our chestnut orchard. This is our partnership with the American Chestnut Foundation Carolina Chapter in an effort to help bring back the American Chestnut. To find out more about the blight of the American Chestnut read here. http://www.acf.org/.

Welcome back! Come on down the hill to bring you back to the main ranch house. Yes the hot choclate is waiting.  Be sure to check in at the front desk and post your pictures on our Facebook page with #cataloocheeranch.

How to arrive at Cataloochee

I know this may seem like a simple statement but as I have talked with several people there is a process to your Cataloochee vacation in order to take full advantage. Here is a list, partial I am sure and you are welcome to add your own tips. A trip to Cataloochee may take a little time but it will be worth it when you start to feel all that stress and tension disappear.

Before leaving home:

  1. Casually ask people (teachers, pet sitters, mailman) what their favorite flavor of jelly is. If you don’t get a clear answer that is ok as surely one of our 17 varieties will work.
  2. download your favorite books or go to the library and check out a few extral. Though we encourage an “electronics-free” zone, nothing beats a good book and a warm fire.
  3. Start gathering all the toys you may need for the kids. Things like bikes, frisbees, hammocks, footballs ect. With all their play time they will have so much fun to not want to leave.
  4. Start packing. It may be hot where you are but remember to bring something long sleeve as the weather at 5000 feet elevation is a bit cool. Don’t forget your best hiking and riding boots.
  5. Remind everyone that you will be out of touch (with them) for a few days, spending some quality time with family and self. Not to worry, you will be better than ever when you get back.

As you arrive:

  1. When you turn into Ghost Town and start to head up Fie Top Rd., turn the radio off, put the phones down, roll down the windows and enjoy feeling the air become cooler and cooler. Don’t forget to watch the temperature gauge in the car start to go down.
  2. At the top as you step out of the car take a deep breath of that fresh mountain air.
  3. Head inside to recieve a warm welcome back. Be sure to poke you head in the kitchen or bar to say hello to Patsy or Billie. Check so see if you can spot your favoirte horse.
  4. As you get to your cabin and bring your bags in, don’t worry about unpacking. Just get your favorite drink, sit out on the porch and enjoy the quiet. It is entirely appropriate to take off your shoes, prop your feet up on proch rail and relax.

Welcome back!

