Tropical Storm Fred Emergency Relief
We are shifting gears now... we need your help with monetary donations or you can help us supply the list below:
While many in Haywood County woke up to a beautiful sunny day, others are experiencing extreme devastation, despair and loss of loved ones. Tropical Storm Fred rolled through Haywood County with a vengeance; which has left areas of Canton, Clyde, Bethel, and Cruso with extensive areas of damage.
Currently, while local agencies are assessing damages and determining need, we are partnering with Helping Haywood, a non-profit organization that is working to collect items of non-perishables, clothing, cleaning supplies, building materials, etc. The most pressing need right now is bottled water, as the water in those areas has been contaminated. All items can be dropped off at the Helping Haywood command center located at 289 Industrial Park Drive, in Waynesville; located in the Industrial Park at Faith Community Church. Items will go towards immediate disaster recovery efforts in the community.
Secure monetary donations can also be made on their website at
The Haywood Chamber maintains it’s #HaywoodStrong and #ServeHaywood commitment.
We pledge to keep you up to date with the latest information and resources once they are made available to us. Updates will be posted at and social media.

8/20 Resources
- @Caldwell Trucking & Excavating: Community help: donating excavator/saw man services for flood victims. Please text 828-550-5565 with name, address & work that needs done so we can dispatch accordingly. Top priority areas: Canton, Bethel, Cruse, Clyde. They will try to help as many people as they can, please be patient.
- @Marquis Ferguson: Owner/operator at WMF Land Services, LLC. Give us a call. We have equipment and a couple crews out helping in Haywood and surrounding areas. Let us know how we can help, 828-593-8882.
@Feeding the Multitude: They will take furniture or anything. They are starting a collection and will have a free day at their facility for folks to get whatever they can use, free of charge.
- @Anna’s Kiddie Corner: accepting donations.
- @Clyde Elementary: can drop off clothes between 12-3 today, 8/19 or tomorrow, 8/20.
- @New Covenant Church: accepting donations, no more clothes.
- @Pisgah High School: accepting donations.
- @Bethel Elementary School: accepting donations.
- @Shining Rock Academy: accepting donations.
- @Bethel Baptist Church: accepting donations.
- @Jukebox Junction: handing out supplies & warm meals.
- @American Ballroom Company: offering dry storage. They have 5k square ft.
- @ Beulah Baptist Church: has some storage available.
- Bethel Baptist Church in Canton, NC as of last night is requesting the following items:
- Cruso United Methodist Church is a place for rest and recharging for crews on the ground and in the water and are needing hosts to keep the space clean and stocked.
- New Covenant Church is asking folks to bring fruit (apples, bananas, and oranges) for distribution to first responders and volunteers to have something healthy to eat.
- FUMC Waynesville Continued Efforts:
8/19 Resources
- Helping Haywood Donation Center open til 8 p.m. tonight located at Faith Community Church 289 Industrial Drive
- BearWaters Riverside Clean up @ 10 a.m.
- Food Drive Through and Distribution at Canton First Baptist Church 12 p.m.
- Anna’s Kiddie Corner Drop off
- Tuscola High School Drop Off
- Shining Rock Academy Drop Off
- Robin Blu
- New Covenant Church
8/18 Resources
- Hotels Available in Asheville
- If you or someone you know need emergency rental assistance, Mountain Projects has opened the application process to flood victims only. Call 828-452-1447 to receive assistance over the telephone
- Haywood Pathways; Emergency Shelter
- New Covenant Church in Clyde collecting clothing
- First Baptist Church in Canton, at 74 Academy St., is open for shelter.
- BearWaters Brewing: Riverside in Canton is looking for volunteers tomorrow, 8/19, to assist with their needs