Tropical Storm Fred Emergency Relief

Tropical Storm Fred Emergency Relief

We are shifting gears now... we need your help with monetary donations or you can help us supply the list below:

While many in Haywood County woke up to a beautiful sunny day, others are experiencing extreme devastation, despair and loss of loved ones. Tropical Storm Fred rolled through Haywood County with a vengeance; which has left areas of Canton, Clyde, Bethel, and Cruso with extensive areas of damage. 

Currently, while local agencies are assessing damages and determining need, we are partnering with Helping Haywood, a non-profit organization that is working to collect items of non-perishables, clothing, cleaning supplies, building materials, etc. The most pressing need right now is bottled water, as the water in those areas has been contaminated.  All items can be dropped off at the Helping Haywood command center located at 289 Industrial Park Drive, in Waynesville; located in the Industrial Park at Faith Community Church. Items will go towards immediate disaster recovery efforts in the community. 

Secure monetary donations can also be made on their website at


The Haywood Chamber maintains it’s #HaywoodStrong and #ServeHaywood commitment.

We pledge to keep you up to date with the latest information and resources once they are made available to us. Updates will be posted at and social media.

8/20 Resources


  • Bethel Baptist Church in Canton, NC as of last night is requesting the following items:
Adult Diapers
Hydrogen Peroxide
Rubbing Alcohol
Triple antibiotic ointment
Anti itch cream
feminine hygiene products (badly)
Bath soap and shampoo
Bug repellent
Pepto bismuth
Baby wipes
Coolers with ice you are willing to part with
Unused socks and towels
Plastic tubs with lids
They are good on food, toothpaste, tooth brushes, water and clothes and do not need these items at this time. Drop off at Bethel Baptist is open from 8am til 9pm daily (5868 Pigeon Rd, Canton, NC). They also need volunteers to help sort and distribute. Call 828-648-4106 to get on the list of volunteering.
  • Cruso United Methodist Church is a place for rest and recharging for crews on the ground and in the water and are needing hosts to keep the space clean and stocked.
Job Description for “Hosts”:
Ensure bathrooms are stocked and clean
Ensure coffee and water and snacks are available
Offer hospitality, welcome and a listening ear
They need folks to take on a four-hour shift from 7:00am-7:00pm Monday- Saturday and Sunday afternoon. To sign up for a shift click here. Contact is Pastor Peter Constantian 507-491-4507 11653 Cruso Rd, Canton, NC 28716
  • New Covenant Church is asking folks to bring fruit (apples, bananas, and oranges) for distribution to first responders and volunteers to have something healthy to eat.
767 Lee Rd, Clyde, NC 287821
  • FUMC Waynesville Continued Efforts:
We are continuing to be a donation point for supplies but at this time we are NOT ACCEPTING clothing. We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of items and need to take a little time to get organized. As it will take a long time to recover from, clothing will be a long term need that we will accept again in the future. To help with sorting and organizing clothing, contact Nicole Klott 828-508-3420

8/19 Resources

  •  Helping Haywood Donation Center open til 8 p.m. tonight located at Faith Community Church 289 Industrial Drive
  • BearWaters Riverside Clean up @ 10 a.m. 
  • Food Drive Through and Distribution at Canton First Baptist Church 12 p.m.
  • Anna’s Kiddie Corner Drop off
  • Tuscola High School Drop Off
  • Shining Rock Academy Drop Off
  • Robin Blu
  • New Covenant Church

8/18 Resources